At first, I could not work it out. Why were my instruments
out of proportion?
In Fashioning
the Fab Four (Part 8): Tools of the Trade, it was noted that
“gauge is not critical for this project” but I am here to tell you that it is!
“gauge is not critical for this project” but I am here to tell you that it is!
Warning: this post contains mathematics!
Bass drum ("big drum" in pattern) New DK version (3.5 mm hook) |
I was using a lighter yarn than
prescribed by the pattern with a smaller hook, so my finished product was going
to be smaller. That made sense.
I figured that as long as the
tension was consistent, and each instrument used the same yarn and hook, all of
the instruments would be in the similar proportions to each other as in the
original pattern, wouldn’t they? (This worked for the dolls.)
Except when it came to the side of the smaller drums, the number of rows specified in the pattern did not match up to the circumference of the drum ‘skin’.
Snare drum ("small drum" in pattern) DK Version (3.5 mm hook) |
Except when it came to the side of the smaller drums, the number of rows specified in the pattern did not match up to the circumference of the drum ‘skin’.
(My theory is that this
happened because the row gauge did not match the stitch gauge and circles are
involved. Any other ideas?)
I could have worked the rows until they reached right around the edge, but how many stitches long should I make each row to keep to the scale of the original design? Mathematics is one way to work this out, using the tension measurements and gauge specifications to guide me.
The only size information I had
was the gauge specification given in the pattern, plus the dimensions of the
finished dolls and the bass drum.
(Aran + 4 mm hook) |
(DK +3.5 mm hook) |
in size of DK version compared to Aran version
14 sc & 12 rows over
4x4” / 10x10cm |
38 rows over
9.625” / 24.5 cm
OR (jacket)
28 sts & 12 rows over 6x3” / 15.24 x 7.62 cm |
Stitch tension
(4”/ 10 cm ÷ 14 sts) |
1 sc = 0.285” / 0.714 cm
1 sc = 0.21” / 0.54 cm
Row tension
(4”/ 10 cm ÷ 12 rows) |
1 row = 0.33” / 0.833 cm
1 row = 0.25” / 0.65 cm
Doll height
Approx 11.5” / 29 cm
7.5–8” / 19–20 cm
of original |
Large (bass) drum diameter
Approx 5” / 12.5 cm
(6 rounds) |
2.75” / 7 cm
(6 rounds) |
of original |
Height of bass drum in relation to
height of doll |
43–44% height of doll
35–37% height of doll
Floor Tom ("medium drum" in pattern) DK version (3.5 mm hook) |
It confused me that the
reduction in size of the drum was a different percentage to the reduction in
size of the dolls by more than 10%. No
wonder the scale looked a little odd to me. There wasn’t enough size difference
between the bass and snare. The bass drum did not look big enough compared to
the dolls even though I had worked 6 rounds as instructed by the pattern.
When I scaled down by yarn weight and hook size, the stitch and row gauges reduced by different amounts (%) also.
When I scaled down by yarn weight and hook size, the stitch and row gauges reduced by different amounts (%) also.
If the DK dolls were 70% of the
size of the Aran ones, I would expect the DK drums to be 70% of the Aran
instrument sizes too, but they were not. This confused and intrigued me. If you
have any ideas as to why this might be, please let me know.
I reviewed the original pattern to compare the original sizes of things. I only had the gauge specifications to guide me. Because the specifications were in rows, I calculated the sides of the drums first.
Drumkit seat DK version (3.5 mm hook) |
I reviewed the original pattern to compare the original sizes of things. I only had the gauge specifications to guide me. Because the specifications were in rows, I calculated the sides of the drums first.
I have rounded the values in
these tables but when doing the calculations, I always use the non-rounded
values of the stitch and row gauges; e.g. 4"÷14 sc=0.2857142 for each sc then x 8 sc (for bass
drum) = 2.2857136" and then round off the answer (2.29").
It is up to you how many
decimal places you round to. Two decimal places are practical but three are
more accurate.
by original pattern |
Measurement based on 14 sc & 12 rows
over 4x4”/10x10cm |
Big Bass Drum side
8 sc (x 0.29”/0.714 cm =)
2.29” wide
5.71 cm wide
rows (x 0.33”/0.833 cm =)
16” long
cm long
Medium Drum side
Floor Tom |
10 sc
7.14 cm
Small Snare Drum side
7 sc
4.99 cm
Seat side
5 sc
3.57 cm
The length of a drum side in
rows = the circumference of the circle.
If we know the circumference (C),
we can work out the diameter (D) using the formula*:
C = D x π. (or C = 2 πr where r = radius)
In which case:
Diameter = Circumference ÷ π.
*(π = 3.1415927)
Length of side =
Circumference |
Original Diameter (Aran version)
Big Bass Drum
16” / 40 cm
5.09” /12.73 cm
Medium Drum
Floor Tom |
10.67” /26.67 cm
3.39” / 8.49 cm
Small Snare Drum
9.99” / 24.99 cm
3.18” / 7.95 cm
8.99” / 22.5 cm
2.86” / 7.16 cm
It turned out that the bass drum needed
extra rounds to make it ‘fit the circle’ and be in correct proportion to the
dolls and other drums. Instead of
working 6 rounds as the pattern instructed, I worked 8 rounds. These can be seen in the photograph.
Much better!
· Find out the original pattern sizes of
instruments and compare them to the original pattern's doll size.
Work out the ratios of instrument
size:doll height according to the original pattern
The tension/gauge specifications indicate
how long and wide the sides of each drum should be.
The lengths of the drum sides (no. of
rows) will be the same as the circumferences which can help calculate the
diameters of the circles.
Once I have the diameters of the original
Aran circles, I can calculate the new DK diameters by reducing them by a
certain percentage and/or comparing them to the smaller DK doll. Then work my
version of the circles, adding or omitting rounds until the circles match the
new diameters.
· From the new diameter I can work out the
circumference which will be the length of the sides in rows.
· I can use my own tension specifications
to work out how many rows I need to make to match the circumference, and also
how many stitches long each row should be to maintain the correct scale.
· I could have just worked the sides until
they were the right length to work around the new circumferences, but I like
the precision and double-checking that the maths provides. Knowing in advance
how many rows will be required saves time by not having to frequently stop and
check the rows against the circumference.
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